Profound things happen when we deal with change. Tribute to the wisdom developed by Gene Oliver (see About the Author)
• Feelings and emotions are difficult to deal with when going through change.
Profound things happen when we deal with change. Tribute to the wisdom developed by Gene Oliver (see About the Author)
• The siren song of a career may no longer sound so sweet.
Profound things happen when we deal with change. Tribute to the wisdom developed by Gene Oliver (see About the Author)
• What the future and its predictability holds can feel like a prison.
Profound things happen when we deal with change. Tribute to the wisdom developed by Gene Oliver (see About the Author)
• The real drama beings to unfold…

life And The Art of change

Life is movement – a powerful ocean churning beneath and about us.  We can drift on top, waiting for the calm, waiting for a familiar motion.  Or, we can take a deep breath and dive in, allowing the wave to push us ahead.  We move forward into life, instead of remaining in the drifting state that has been familiar for so many years.

Who are we?  Blood, bone, smiles and passion.  Bud inside, we are the culmination of our experiences.  One story linked to memory, linked to an image, then to another story, each with a message, each adding to our wisdom and self-interpretation.  Living is a continuous sequence of moments demanding our participation, not isolation.  We cannot change our lives if we cannot transform our moments.  The ability to embrace change is like a muscle-learning, flexing, and growing stronger through effort and repetition.

Frustrated with the limitation that words bring to the description of my life, I awakened one night with a powerful dream.  It came at 1:45 in the morning.  It was indeed a revealing and wonderful dream.  Filled with a tremendous passion and clarity, I jumped from the bed immediately to write it down.  I share the message of it here with you as spontaneously as it flowed to me.

The reason… the ‘why’… of my everyday existence … ‘no lesson we have ever learned is as exciting as the lesson we are about to learn’.

That is how we keep the energy of life alive in us … each day!  That is the passion in life … and will be … forever … that is why I am driven to share and speak … and continue to grow … that is SPONTANEITY … that is life … that is what I am here to do … genuinely … openly … honestly … lovingly … caring … alive … unafraid … but frightened … fearless … but not without fear … that is and always has been each of our lives from the beginning of time … important to not lose the inner passion and fire for life.

We never stop learning….

That is how life is reinvented … in each moment … the fire and frustration people might hear in me … and will forever is to keep alive that “enlightenment” … that awareness … and never … forget it …. That is the fire in my heart … when that is not understood about me … I become frustrated … impatient … I am not the best I can be … and not only me … but believe it to be true in every human being … that is at the root of our aloneness … somehow knowing … but not “knowing” and not mystified with all the labels, and books … and theories.

This is the “great mystery” … the ‘quest’ …

This is what has driven my life … for the past 10 years … the compassion for every person in the world to feel and experience the joy of that awareness … this will be the theme of my work … the title and the beginning and the end … the journey … the messages … the 7 principles for inner peace … this is the book … this is the message and always has been … it had not crystallized until this very moment … with full force and energy that awakened me just now … ancient teachings in new and simple for today’s world …

I never want to lose that ever … a volcano of love, joy and spontaneity that is who I am … have come to realize this is the message and always has been … only now fully understand what the message really is … and how to express it …

“the lesson we are about to learn is the most exciting lesson we will ever have …” – gene

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